
Lame-o WIAW

I have to admit that my WIAW is a little lame this week. It wasn’t until I went to my camera to upload my pictures that I realized I don’t have all that much to share. Once the temps start rising, my appetite tends to fall. I also tend to eat less when I cook,…

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Day Off WIAW

Yesterday was the best kind of Tuesday – a no work Tuesday! Even though the weather wasn’t great, I made the best of it and Munchkin and I had a great day. I started off the day with a quick run – 2 miles in 27 minutes. And since it is Wednesday, I will be…

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Sensible Snacking WIAW

Let me start off by saying Happy National Running Day! Lace up those sneakers and get a few miles under your belt. I know I’ll be out there this afternoon! When I saw what Jen had up her sleeve for June’s WIAW, I thought to myself, now this is something I can be good at….

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Dinner and Breakfast

This weekend was one of good eats and good workouts. I posted about my Saturday evening run in my last post, but I will save Sunday’s workout for it’s own post. That is, if I can get out of bed the next few days because soreness is starting to set in, big time. On to…

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Late Day WIAW

This post is brought to you by the wonderful people at Time Warner cable. There was a service outage at my house this morning, so we had no TV, Internet or phone, hence the post at 5pm. Anyway, this week is flying by! It’s already Wednesday so it’s time for some WIAW action! I started…

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