CSA Week 2

Week 2 of our CSA pickup brought us more greens and two veggies that I have never tried before!


Unfortunately, there was no fruit this week. This Wednesday was supposed to be the first week of our fruit share, but the fruit wasn’t ready to be picked yet, so it will start next week instead. We will also receive extras over the next weeks to make up for the missed week. More fruit, yes please. 🙂

Everything we received this week was a green. As much as I do enjoy greens, I am looking forward to when there will be more of a variety among our veggies because it is a bit difficult to get through so many greens for me.


  1. Mesclun
  2. Collards and Tatoi
  3. Head Lettuce
  4. Spinach
  5. Arugula
  6. Cilantro

This is the first time I’ve heard of tatoi and the first time that I will ever be cooking with collards. To be quite honest, I don’t have a clue of what to do with them! If you have any recipes for either, please share! There was also a swap box at the CSA this week, so if you don’t like or want something, yo can swap it out for something else left in the box.

I can’t wait for our fruit next week!

Are you part of a CSA? What was in your box this week?

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  1. I like the fact you can swap items.
    That is a lot of green, I have never had collards (unless they are called something different in England)
    I have also never heard of mesclun or tatoi.
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