seafood salad

At the Piers

Afternoons like today’s make me remember why I love New York. Even though I complain about it, New York is an amazing city and when the planets align and you get perfect weather, perfect company and a perfect view, you can’t help but sit back and think damn, I am lucky to be living here….

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Don’t Stop Playing

In the spirit of soaking up the last days of summer, I totally ignored the overflowing laundry basket and went to the piers with my little man. My original plan was to pick up our CSA share, spend 45 minutes to an hour at the piers and come home to laundry, cleaning, etc, but when we got…

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First Taste of Summer

I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who read and commented on my last post. It wasn’t easy for me to write and all the kind words made opening up like that a lot less scary. You are all amazing! Moving on, Spring has finally arrived in New York and we…

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